About us

The Institute for Gambling Regulation ("Institute") is an association established in 2018 and is a self-governing and independent organization with voluntary participation. At the same time, it is the largest national professional association in the field of gambling, representing 95% of the legal gambling market in the Czech Republic.

The Institute's members include gambling operators, individuals appointed by the Ministry of Finance for expert assessment and certification, hardware and software equipment manufacturers, and partner associations.

The share of the legal market that we represent.


The number of our members.


The objectives of our activities

The primary objective of the Institute's activities is to work together with public authorities in the field of gambling to strive for a unified, conceptual, and modern development of gambling regulation in the Czech Republic. Equally important in our work is the long-term contribution to increasing social responsibility and reducing risks associated with gambling. Our intention is to create a platform for professional discussion aimed at establishing balanced gambling regulation in the Czech Republic.

Our activities

Consultation point of the MoF

We are the official consultation point for the preparation of legislative materials in the field of gambling at the Ministry of Finance.

Consultation point of the FAU

We are the official consultation point for the preparation of legislative materials in the case of the "Anti-Money Laundering Act" at the Financial Analytical Office (FAU).

Central place for reporting illegal gambling

We are the central place for reporting illegal gambling and we actively participate in the fight against illegal gambling.

Legislative activity

We participate in legislative materials, interpretation opinions, methodologies and standards.

Responsible gambling

We have created the Responsible gambling program to help players stax in control of their gambling.

Studies and analyses

We are preparing expert analyses and studies concerning the operation of gambling activities, including ongoing evaluations of regulatory impacts.

Responsible gambling

Responsible gambling is a self-regulatory project of gambling operators, which complements the current strict regulation appropriately.

Instead of blanket bans that restrict problem-free players, we believe in early identification and offering help to those who truly need it.

The self-regulation within Responsible Gambling involves the commitment of operators to adhere to 29 specific obligations beyond the legal requirements, focusing on strengthening player protection, prevention, employee education, and responsible marketing and advertising.

Together, we are working on developing a unified software solution that identifies at-risk players and can be applied across the market. We are also implementing an intervention model that addresses detected at-risk players uniformly across all operators.

We are building a network and connecting counseling and addiction centers.

We are linking addiction, psychological, and counseling centers throughout the Czech Republic into one network so that players know where to turn for help if needed. The helpline "Podané ruce" within the "Naberte kurz" initiative also serves this purpose, and we provide financial support to it.

Our team

Mgr. Jan Řehola, Ph.D.

Director of the Institute
former director od the gambling regulation department at MoF

Mgr. Václav Ulrich, Ph.D.

Head of Loterry section
Head of the Manufacturers of hardware and software equipment section

Mgr. Martina Chrástková

AML / CFT specialist

Mgr. Petra Ulrichová

HR and organization managment

Mgr. Petr Kozák, MBA

Secretary of the Institute
Head of the Live and Technival Games section

Mgr. Petra Razím Ďurovičová

Head of the Authorized Persons for Expert As-sessment section

Bc. Michal Razím

Expert consultant, analyst and editor

Bc. Nelia Pešková

Office manager

Are you interested in becoming members?

Contact us if you want to know more information.