How do I become a member of IFGR?

Membership at the Institute for Gaming Regulation (IFGR) is entirely voluntary and brings many benefits.

An IFGR member can only become a legal entity that is:

a) a gambling operator within the meaning of Section 6 of Act No. 186/2016 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as "GA"), either on the basis of a valid basic license issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic or on the basis of a notice pursuant to Section 105 of the Act, or

b) authorized person pursuant to Section 110 (1) of the GA, on the basis of a valid and effective mandate pursuant to Section 110 (2) of the GA, or

(c) producing software and hardware equipment for lawful gambling operators in the Czech Republic.

If you want to become a member of the IFGR, you need to make a written request. The application must include, in particular, the clear identification of the person submitting it, it must be duly endorsed, dated and signed by the person concerned. An extract from the Commercial Register must be attached. Each application must include the type of membership requested by the person.

IFGR membership is of three kinds: founding membership, ordinary membership, honorary membership and partnership. 

The IFGR Board of Directors decides on the application and communicates its decision to the applicants in writing.

Membership in IFGR arises on the basis of two cumulative conditions:

  1. the decision of acception of the application by the Board of Directors of IFGR,
  2. a payment of a membership fee for a specified period.

The membership fee is paid by transfer to the IFGR bank account.

The membership fee is determined annually by the IFGR Board of Directors (no later than 31 December of the previous year).

Membership in the association is tied to a person's member, is non-transferable to another person, and does not pass on to the legal successor.

I want to send my application

The Institute for Gaming Regulation (hereinafter IFGR) is a self-governing and independent organization with voluntary participation. The main aim of IFGR is to strive for a unified and conceptual development of gambling regulation in accordance with Act No. 186/2016 Coll., on gambling.

If you are interested in submitting an application, please fill out the application below.